Potential Themes & Objectives
All programs are fully customizable for full effectiveness of the group’s needs and desired outcomes. Programs can vary from a few hours to several day excursions. Cost is based on a number of factors including (but not limited to) length of program, number of participants, location, and tools and equipment.
Team Building
Personal Growth
New Perspectives
Increased Efficiency
Challenge by Choice
Finding comfort
Mental Health
Survival Skills
Environmental Stewardship
Leave No Trace Ethics
Nature Conservation
Trying New Things
Develop team capabilities and capacity to deliver results.
Revitalize team-member engagement and reduce stress.
Utilize the resources and talent within the team to identify opportunities for improvement.
Resolve differences and conflicts within the team.
Establish effective forms of communication with an understanding of the importance of proper communication.
Celebrate the team’s strengths and develop innovative ideas that will move the team forward.
Enhance collaboration on solutions to business issues and challenges.
Build accountability and define working agreements.
Create the cohesiveness needed to execute strategic priorities.
Clarify and define individual roles, responsibilities, and expectations within the team.
Open up lines of communication and build a consensus for critical decisions
Build a culture of trust and collaboration.
Create a safe environment for feedback and coaching.
Assess progress with key initiatives and make adjustments if necessary.
Learn how to lead through character rather than through coping.
Understand your own and other peoples’ values and beliefs.
Learn how to manage conflict or opposition.
Understand your role as a team player.
Learn about your preferred learning style and that of others.
Build awareness by understanding your management/leadership style.
Connect with your purpose, values, and core strengths in areas that make a difference.
Learn how to lead authentically.
Role model constructive behaviors required to move towards a high-performance culture.
Learn the power of presence–the quality of absolute attention and listening.
Develop sound energy management practices to achieve sustained performance, energy, and balance.
Learn self-coaching skills and take definitive step-by-step action towards your goals.

Sample Tasks
All programs begin with a full explanation of the task and potential outcomes and will end with a full debrief and explanation of why things either worked or did not work.
Speak, See, Seek
Communication, Team Building, Leadership, Problem Solving, Experiencing Various Perspectives
​Equipment: stuffed animal or small object, bandana
​Divide into groups of 3
Seeker is blindfolded, Speaker has their back to the seeker, See’r stands on a bench or chair.
Facilitator hides/places a stuffed animal (or any small object) away from the group.
The blind folded Seeker and the Speaker have their back turned so they do not see the placement of the object.
After the object has been placed on the ground, the See’r is the only one who will be able to see the object.
The See’r stands on a chair or bench to direct the Speaker how to navigate the Seeker.
The See’r is NOT allowed to speak! They can direct the speaker using hand movements and gestures. (e.g. pointing in the direction of the object)
The Speaker will verbally communicate directions for the Seeker.
The team has accomplished their goal when the Seeker has picked up the object.
Pipeline Challenge
Team building, Communication, Problem Solving
Equipment: Pipeline challenge kit, Small balls
As a full group the participants must direct a small ball down a series of half tubes and into a bucket
Each participant will get a small section of tubing to hold, and must arrange themselves, and/or move around as a group to get the ball to roll properly into the bucket.
If the ball drops on the ground the group must start over.
The group has accomplished this task when the ball lands inside the bucket
Shelter Building
Leadership, Team Building, Communication, Critical Thinking, Survival Skills
Natural elements only
As a whole group discuss what a shelter is, why it is important, and how different types of shelters are constructed.
Show a few examples of building shelters.
Split the group into small groups of 3 or 4 people (depending on even or odd number of participants.)
Each team will be given 5 minutes to gather Natural Materials (sticks, branches, leaves, rocks, etc.) for their building materials.
Teams will be given 15 minutes to construct their shelters.
Following the construction of the shelters the facilitator will determine which group has the winning shelter.
Judging of shelters will be determined by size, space, sturdiness, windproof/waterproof, comfort on the inside.
The Blind Hike
Team Building, Leadership, Communication, Experiencing Senses
Equipment: Bandana
The facilitator will decide a hiking course that is appropriate for the group.
The group will be split into pairs.
The first hiker will be blindfolded with a bandana.
The second hiker will guide them through the hike using only their voice.
If the hikers make physical contact with each other they must start from the beginning.
The second hiker will give verbal instructions for how and where they should put their feet, which direction to turn, and so on.
Halfway through the hike, the pair will be instructed to switch who is blind folded and who is giving instructions.